Friday, October 2, 2009


D pulled me over-- said, "Hide your gold!
The girl is crafty like ice is cold!"
The girl is crafty--she knows all the moves
I started playing records--she knew all the groo-hooves...
She's crafty! She gets around!
She's crafty! She's always down!
She's crafty! She's got a gripe!
She's crafty, and she's just my type!
She craft-tay...

Have you seen all the corsage tees floating around lately? Most notably, on J.Crew's site. Someone decided that this is perfect DIY project. I concur!

Check out the How-To Instructions here.

I want to make a long-sleeved jewel-toned one. I would just do it by hand though. The machine seems like more trouble than it's worth in this case.

1 comment:

TNC said...

I printed this out because its so brilliant. Thanks for sharing. Would you like to craft together? It'll be BYOBB.